Kawaii Kassandra (✿◡‿◡)
We made a thing called Kawaii Kassandra probably 2 years ago. I'd like to say we were bored, but we were overrun by the shenanigans of the time.
- Forger 2.10 Utility by hypermorphic
- KassandraEyeMakeup folder
- Kassandra_Eye_Makeup-v3.forger2
- Go to Downloads above and download "Mod"
- Unzip the file and open Mod folder to reveal KassandraEyeMakeup folder and Kassandra_Eye_Makeup-v3.forger2 file
- Copy and paste the contents KassandraEyeMakeup folder and Kassandra_Eye_Makeup-v3.forger2 into "ForgerPatches" folder where ACOdyssey.exe is.
- Return to Forger Utility and click "Rescan", and the mod should appear under "Kawaii Kassandra" in yellow.
- You may select multiple choices, close forger, and boot up the game.
Additional Information
Can be combined with Kassandra's Enhanced Facial Scars Surface, and Diffuse mod selections.
Can be combined with Kassandra's Enhanced Facial Scars Surface, and Diffuse mod selections.
Should you encounter a problem installing the mod, click on Reset All Forges in Forger and verify your game files. You may have to do this more than once.
Should you encounter a problem installing the mod, click on Reset All Forges in Forger and verify your game files. You may have to do this more than once.
Ubisoft Connect
- Go to "Games"
- Under Assassin's Creed Odyssey click on right small arrow
- In drop down menu select "Verify Files"
- Go to "Games", select "View Game Library"
- Right Click Assassin's Creed Odyssey
- Select "Properties" / "Local Files"
- Click "Verify Integrity of Game Files"
Thanks to ilikedetectives for extracting textures and data, hypermorphic for his tools and great contribution to the community, and Makacha for always extending a helping hand. Thank you!